This morning BNP leaders and activists, alongside its associate bodies brought out a procession carrying sticks in the capital. They were demanding the government's resignation and cancelling Sunday's “one-party’ election.
Besides they also called upon the people to boycott the election and not to go to the polling stations on January 7.
The BNP leaders and followers took out the procession, led by party senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, in the city’s Karwanbazar area.
They chanted various slogans against what they said was an “unacceptable, farcical and dummy” election.
After the procession in a brief address Rizvi said the government is trying to hold a unilateral election illegally by using the state machinery.
He stated, ''the country’s people won't accept this 'illegal' election arranged by looters. We urge the people, including the leaders and workers of BNP and like-minded opposition parties, to boycott the dummy election.''
Rizvi added, their party is in favour of truth, justice, the freedom of expression and people’s voting rights while the ruling party is in favour of plundering, siphoning off money abroad and snatching people’s rights.